"That is why I write- to try to turn sadness into longing and solitude into remembrance"
-Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Appose still Apart

Many a times….

I tried to speak my heart out to you;

Don’t know why every time I plugged up.

Fumbled or stammered,

Straying from the regular discourse, that’s where I ultimately ended up.

Many a times….

I wanted to sing out loud to the world;

Don’t know why each time I choked.

Words spilling out lost connection with the LAN,

Sweet melody into a melancholy, without a cue, permuted.

Many a times…

I felt like dancing to the tune of ecstasy;

Don’t know why I always got my feet tied together,

My body lost rhythm,

And the ‘beats’, I suddenly became its worst follower.

Many a times…

I craved to ‘walk together’ with you;

Don’t know why I walked myself to maze.

Stilled reflexes, Stance perplexing;

Comprehending your unmatched heart and mind shades.

Many a times…

I desired to love you like crazy;

Don’t know why I restrained.

Signal of same frequency; your heart didn’t reciprocate

May be cupid shot an arrow on me only dipped in gall!

Many a times…

I wanted to give me unto you;

Don’t know why my betraying pasts overruled.

Either a product of pent-up emotions;

Or the love between us not strong enough to ignite the candle of trust!

Many a times…

I tried dreaming my future with you;

Don’t know why mystic clouds subdued.

Now when we are not together anymore, I got to know "WHY”!


  1. amongst all dis one z my fav...i just love d feel of it.

  2. very nice shivangi!
    so much love.. :)
