"That is why I write- to try to turn sadness into longing and solitude into remembrance"
-Paulo Coelho

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Din Sagna Da Chadaya

When she was younger, 

She would tear up listening to this song, for the yearning it entails...

When she found her soulmate,

This song gave her goosebumps as she was rendezvous with 'their moment of unison'...

And now and then when it plays,

She gets a lump in her throat re-living her DAY in her mind, only this time with her family around showering their love and affection...

This song has always spoken to her soul and clearly she wasn't done yet...!❤️

Sunday, May 31, 2020

The path to Neverland may be long
but it's where the creativity is born
and I'm going ahead humming my favorite song.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


When the moon is gone
the stars mourn
for the traveller loses clear sight
and the artist, her spotlightšŸ–¤

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Music has the power to transport you to a different world ,one that's built on your feelings. A song I heard recently, took me to a beach where I've never been and now I want to keep going back...
That beach was studded with natural light
Moon and stars were celebrating lovers night
Some souls were lost in chatter
Some hand in hand, had found themselves in each other
Some inebriated by music, were reminiscing and finally letting go of that mental clutter
And one girl walked on the line of the shore barefoot,
Fused her sparkle when the sea touched her feet
Perhaps she was tranquil.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sometimes the heart mimics a stone
To guard us from the arrows of hurt
"Filter the voices in your head
Trust the goodness of nature
Time is a majestic soap
It will cleanse the doleful hue and mend the harrowing crack", whispered the sparkling river.
The bends go sharp and steeper
The mist grow hard and thicker
How much she tries to progress
But she ends up crashing inwards

Thursday, March 31, 2016

"They say if you love someone, set them free. Does that mean you keep things to yourself even if their actions hurt you? What if TRUST looks dismantled? Would you still call it fencing - if you question their actions? Esoteric, isn't it? May be love exists only in theory.. atleast to those who have only suffered and have been left under the sky.", she thought. The dust of gloom was ready to penetrate her soul as she exhaled the last happy breath of love. The flowers blossomed in the rain while she crumpled like the petals of that dried flower which was everyone's favorite at some point.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

No show of the stars tonight
For the moon insists to hide beneath
Those clouds have prepared a smoky sheath
To gaurd it's sorrow from being unfolded to the world
On this dreary night that child sighed a heap before falling asleep 
For it could not see it's only hope when it glided to that window tonight...
Those streaks of resistance bewildered her
Distracting her gaze from the perfections
Defining limits to euphoria
Mocking at her weaving so far..