"That is why I write- to try to turn sadness into longing and solitude into remembrance"
-Paulo Coelho

Monday, August 8, 2011

On Friendship Day::

If ever I dare to walk alone,
I know if smth s wrong, there's you to bank upon.
If ever I display acts of carelessness,
I know if in trouble, I have you 'my rescuers'.

You lift me up when am low
And dance with me in my joys.
You know what gifts will make me happy
And which words will bring a smile;)

The hustle and bustle, pangs of laughter,
The horrendous fights, shared togetherness,
All these memories caressing the heart
when apart...

I love you my dearest friends
On the beat we have set such beautiful trends.
I thank you for 'all in all',
For bearing with me and nurturing our bond:)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Heaven in your Embrace!

Dazzling bright smile
Across an alluring visage
Shiny-glowy shimmer
Around a gaze crystal-clear

Ornamental-golden dress
Beautifully suited to the Deity, adorned with grace.
Pearl-ivory chains
Surrounding the amber rays!!

On the truthiness of the moment.
I stood kneeling down
Fingers clasped, throat urging to make a sound...

I beseech you, softly I speak,
To forgive the wrongdoings, the nemesis of my being,
And guide me,
My soul towards the path of ethereal realm.

I thank you,
For the heavenly benedictions and your graciousness,
And bow down to you,
For showing all the divine wisdom, for bestowing your garden treasures.

And now let the love hues suffuse me coz it's HEAVEN in your EMBRACE!!